Thursday, June 4, 2020

Coach You To Gain Skill At Video Games As A Starcraft Ex Pro


If you are around average rank on Starcraft 2, Dota 2, CSGO, or Overwatch and want simple 1-on-1 lessons towards improvement without being overwhelmed and confused.

With 2 years of Starcraft 2 progaming and coaching experience, I know what it takes to be good at video games. I have coached many that have commitments and play casually with easily digestible approaches.

Matchmaking rank credentials:

-SC2: multiple top 8 Grandmaster season finishes (Top 1%)

-DOTA2: 6500 MMR all roles (Top 1%)

-CSGO: Global elite (Top 1%)

-Overwatch: Top 500 rank (Season 1-3)

I can effectively help you figure out how to climb ranks on these games.

Examples of topics:

How matchmaking/ladder works and how to climb


Game knowledge vs. mechanical skills

Decision making and strategy

What it's like playing solo and with a team

Replay/demo review on what is holding you back



Make sure your game replays are ready to analyze. He has the skill no doubt :)

: : : :

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