Monday, July 13, 2020

Teach Chess Online For Beginners And Intermediates


I will teach anyone under 1400 rating. If you dont know your rating I can teach you as you most likely are under 1400. The lesson will last one hour but I wont be sharp, I can go over if you really need help with something in particular. I use both and Lichess. If you want to improve your chess play as an intermediate or beginner going to intermediate I most definitely can help as I have studied countless openings and endgames and am very strong tactically. 



It was fun. I am still sort of new to chess but understood the basics of how pieces moved so we learned some good openings. Also I faced this annoying move my opponents always make so he taught me best way to counter it. Our lesson also was more like an hour and 20 minutes. Hes very nice as he went over the time.

: : : :

Teach Chess Online For Beginners And Intermediates

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